
This resolved-looking woman is Natasha Mason, mother of Abby and Teddy and the mayor of Low Point city. Being the mayor is TOUGH, and Natasha undestrandably wants to make sure she does it right. To that end, she maintains a bit of a firm, no-nonsense attitude in the workplace. Not to say she's all work and no play, though-- she is still relaxed and forgiving, even a little eccentric! She works hard, and parties hard! Natasha often works overtime at the mayoral office, and her kids often wish she had more time to spend with them. She wishes the same. It's okay Natasha, we know you're trying your best!

Birthday: October 27th

Age: 48

Gender/pronouns: female, she/her

Likes: A good night's rest, scrapbooking, business clothing (and fashion in general!), trying new things

Disikes: Her nearsightedness (though those glasses do look chic), distractions, strawberries, not having enough free time

Fun Fact: Natasha kind of sucks at cooking, to be honest. Often, her kids help her out and give her pointers!